Incident Command System
(ICS 200)

Target Group
This program covers the basic underpinning knowledge and initial response actions expected to be undertaken by personnel who are designated as being members of a support team during an emergency situation in the workplace. It is designed to identify warning signs, prevent or minimise negative impacts of an incident and communicate the situation to all relevant parties such as the workplace Manager/Supervisor/Security and those nearest the location of the situation.
Course Aim & Objectives
At the end of the course, you should be able to:
• Describe the course objectives and summarise basic information about the Incident Command System (ICS) and National Incident Management System (NIMS).
• Describe how the NIMS Management Characteristics relate to Incident Command and Unified Command.
• Describe the delegation of authority process, implementing authorities, management by objectives, and preparedness plans and objectives.
• Identify ICS organizational components, the Command Staff, the General Staff, and ICS tools.
• Describe different types of briefings and meetings.
• Explain flexibility within the standard ICS organizational structure.
• Explain transfer of command briefings and procedures.
Course Outline
This course is designed to enable personnel to operate efficiently during an incident or event within the Incident Command System (ICS).
The course is based on conventional ICS guidance but with a focus on the application of ICS principles to the management of INITIAL RESPONSE to an incident within Industry.