On Site Emergency Response Team Development

Course Aims
To equip learners with the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills to perform the roles of Offshore Emergency Response Team / Leader / OSC effectively. Keeping Human Factors as a Priority in Command and Control.
Course Theory Objectives
Understand your company and your asset’s emergency response organization
Understand the roles and responsibilities of the Emergency Response Team Leader (OSC) and Member (ERT).
Understand the purpose of emergency response procedures.
Identify Major Incident Events (fire and non-fire related) which could occur at your Asset
Understand the Hot, Warm and Cold Zone concept.
Identify your Asset’s fixed fire systems.
Understand the basic performance capability and limitations of typical fixed systems.
Identify the emergency response PPE requirements for the ERT.
Course Practical Objectives
Communicate effectively with the OSC and other team members.
Respond appropriately to the OSC during an emergency drill.
Use safe working practices.
Demonstrate the ability to muster and dress in the appropriate Full Firefighting rig.
Explain the purpose of Buddy Checks and demonstrate effective Buddy checks during a live emergency drill
Understand search and rescue techniques for missing persons and casualties during an emergency.
Demonstrate correct casualty handling and recovery techniques.