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Asset Incident Controller Incident Response

Course Description


This programme provides underpinning knowledge and understanding of the key factors of preparing for, responding to, and maintaining control throughout the development or escalation of an emergency. The Learners will learn how to manage communication, emergency-related information and put into place predetermined plans at the point when the emergency alarm has been raised, to the point when the Asset Incident Controller is assured that the emergency is over. Delegates will also understand how stress can impact on individuals and team performance during emergencies.

The programme involves a combination of Theory and Practical scenarios designed to build confidence and provide Initial Responders with the best platform from which to enable them to return to their ASSET and ensure that maximum value is extracted from the course.

Evaluation of delegates will be by continuous observation of their performance during their tenure(s) as AIC, each based around a major incident chosen from the following:
TIER 1 – Major emergency that is readily controllable if managed appropriately.
TIER 2 – Major emergency which could escalate if not controlled.
TIER 3 – Major emergency that the EM is unable to control leading, to a full evacuation of the facility, which should include all the following events across the range of TIER 1/2/3 scenarios:

  • Injured Personnel Extreme weather conditions

  • Multiple casualties Loss of essential facilities

  • Loss of Containment Rapidly developing situation leading to information overload

  • Loss of communication Evacuation of the facility

  • Loss of evacuation, muster points or temporary refuge

  • Environmental concerns and effects

  • Stressed Personnel Loss of key personnel

  • Missing Personnel

Each delegate must be observed in at least two (2) Command Centre Simulations in the ASSET INCIDENT
CONTROLLER (AIC) position.


MERSC Kuala Lumpur
Headquarters Office

Register Interest for AICIR Program
Price on Request

2 Days Theory and Practical Session


Company Consultation

Accredited by:
NOCN Logo - PONG.jpg


Theory and Practical

Native Teacher (Available in English or Malay)

Free Resources for Company Implementation

2 Days Training

Level 3 UK Certificate of Completion

Consultation to further training



Rosli bin Mahmood

Kursus ini perlu diteruskan kepada orang lain untuk memahami apa itu ERT.

This course needs to be taught to others for their understanding of Emergency Response Teams.


Khairul Azhar B. Jusoh

Kursus ini sangat berguna dan segala latihan dapat memberi keyakinan dan tanggungjawab semasa mengendalikan sesuatu kes kecemasan.

This course is very useful! All the trainings gave me confidence in handling the responsibility of emergency cases.


назеиов чрапбек

The course fully met my expectations. Especially I would like to highlight the teachings of leadership during an emergency and the process of making decisions related to the assets. Overall a very good course.

Contact Us

Wild Geese Group SDN BHD


Main Office

Level 17, Plaza See Hoy Chan,

Jalan Raja Chulan,

50200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Perak Regional Office

No. 27, Jalan Indah Raya 2/3,

Taman Indah Raya ll, Pundut,

32200 Lumut, Malaysia

Perak Darul Ridzuan.

Langkawi Office

No17,Jalan Pelangi2,

07000 Kuah, Langkawi,

Kedah Darul Aman,


Any enquiries please email us:

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Tel: +603-2022 3822

Fax: +603 2022 4968

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